Chris Glein Game Design and Life


Posts about music

First 50 Songs You Should Play On Bass

As I learned to play guitar first, my bass guitar playing is a but too… guitar-like. Poking around on YouTube I came across a video that goes through 50 songs to learn on bass. I thought I’d try walking through that myself, grabbing tab for each. And as long as I’m doing that, I might as well share.


Music Made Me - Part 29

September - Earth, Wind & Fire

We celebrated Jessica’s thirtieth birthday with a disco house party. We’d warmed up with a number of excellent New Years Eve events, but this disco party was where the house dance floor really hit solid gold. People dressed up and really got into it. Of course, disco is genetically engineered to speak directly to the booty, so there’s no denying it.


Music Made Me - Part 28

Yes - Morphine

After nine years of courtship, I finally married Jessica. We had met so early in life, neither of us expected to find such perfection by then. So we felt no need to rush. Maybe we overshot a bit, but I’m much happier that we made our own decision on our own schedule, and walked into our wedding more confident and loving than ever.


Music Made Me - Part 27

Dirty Laundry - Bitter Sweet

I’d been working on the same product at Microsoft for four years, and it had come time to change the scenery. My team was migrating from Media Center to work on this new music project called Zune. A friend of mine, Ian, was already over there, and was able to give me some preliminary info on what it was all about. Sometime before I’d made the switch Jessica and I were going on a trip (to San Francisco, I think) and Ian lent Jessica his Zune device for the duration.


Music Made Me - Part 26

Proper Hoodidge - Amon Tobin

I was at the Experience Music Project for some reason that I can no longer recall. I remember getting my dad a pass as a Christmas gift, but this particular time I know that I was there alone. Regardless of the reason, I found myself in the attached music store, which actually had a decent sampling setup. I found myself reading some staff reviews and trying out some albums in the store.


Music Made Me - Part 25

Brothers On A Hotel Bed - Death Cab for Cutie

I remember having a rather vivid, deeply sad dream with this song as the soundtrack. I don’t think my dreams generally have soundtracks, but this one did. I hear the song now, and my breathing instinctively slows. It’s so sad, and so beautiful. Thankfully I know that I don’t process lyrics well enough for that dream to actually be about what the song is about. I can pick up on emotion, and melody, but lyrical comprehension is not my strong point.


Music Made Me - Part 24

Inner City Blues - Marvin Gaye

I don’t know what inspired Jessica to start delving into a 1971 album all of the sudden in 2003, but she did. It was less of a discovery of Marvin Gaye and more of a rediscovery. What’s Going On is a great album, but there was no question about what song to put in here. Makes me wanna holler…


Music Made Me - Part 23

Transatlanticism - Death Cab for Cutie

I remember listening to this song, lying face-up on the floor of the townhouse we lived in at the time. Jessica had put on this album on and it was this song that first stood out to me. Which is saying something, because the song is pretty deep into the album, and there are a lot of great songs that come before it. But it was the one that operated on the wavelength I needed.


Music Made Me - Part 22

Sure Thing - Saint Germain

Okay, one more ambient track before we move on. Groovy, bluesy, relaxed, repetitive. Good for programming and parties. I like it, partially because of the fact that it doesn’t tax my brain.


Music Made Me - Part 21

Paper Tiger - Beck

Beck went through a serious breakup, and he wrote an album. There is no denying the impact of one on the other. Gone is the manic spread of tunes from the previous albums. In their place is solid cohesive songwriting. This is the ultimate breakup album. Thankfully you don’t need to be going through epic heartbreak to appreciate it.


Music Made Me - Part 20

Buena - Morphine

Oh “Buena”. So aptly titled. This song starts with such powerful elements, rolled out one at a time to slowly increase its hold on you. And when it stops it just drops you on the floor, ravaged.


Music Made Me - Part 19

I-76 - G. Love & Special Sauce

The first time I heard G. Love I wasn’t ready for it. Despite the title Yeah, It’s That Easy was not an easy album to relax into. I know that Jessica tried to start me on “Willow Tree”, but I didn’t connect with that song. She was trying to pick a track with fewer of the hip-hop elements. But for me the pace didn’t feel right - it left too sloppy to me (at the time). The same idea is done better on the album in “Lay Down the Law” and “Take You There”, which are both great songs.


Music Made Me - Part 18

Neon - John Mayer

I discovered John Mayer as a guitarist first. Yes, he was a singer/songwriter too, but for me it was his acoustic style that initially caught my attention. I scoured Napster for all sorts of bootlegs of his guitar work. Some of them were live recordings, some were apparently from this album. On Napster the metadata was always screwed so it was hard to know these things.


Music Made Me - Part 17

Top Floor, Bottom Buzzer - Morphine

I discovered Morphine through my dad, of all people. Although at pretty much the exact same time Jessica also came across it too. To this day I’m a little fuzzy on the details, but what I know is that me, my dad, and Jessica were all grooving on this at the same time. My mom couldn’t stand it, but she was outnumbered.


Music Made Me - Part 16

Ever So Lonely - Sheila Chandra

I feel like I’ve been saying this a lot (and will continue to): this song is huddled inside, out of the cold and rain, in bed with Jessica. It sounds scandalous, but even though it’s none of your business I feel like I need to say I’m not implying any impropriety. We just spent a lot of time in bed, cuddled up, listening to music. Let’s be fair, we still do. But those first months were a huge injection of shared musical experiences. Some were new for just me, some were new for both. In this case it was an album from her roommate Erin, so we were processing it at the same time.


Music Made Me - Part 15

Say Goodbye - Dave Matthews Band

I told you Crash was going to show up a lot on this list. This one’s special though, trust me.


Music Made Me - Part 14

Baba Blues - Hanuman Trio

I was in Portland with Kevin for a show of this band I had been listening to called The Jazz Mandolin Project. I’d had a mediocre experience with opening bands before, but this one stole the show. The leader of the trio, Jarrad Kaplan, illuminated that difference between a drummer and a true percussionist. He was surrounded all sorts of things that made sound, and he worked each of them to his advantage. You can hear Jarrad in the background of this recording, vocalizing along with the guitar. Because he was so damned into the music that he couldn’t help it. Such an raw energy in that man.


Music Made Me - Part 13

They Can’t Take That Away From Me - Diana Krall

Okay, I feel terribly exposed talking about all these intimate details on the internet. When I started this project I didn’t realize how personal it was going to get. I guess that’s just the cost of telling my musical story. My relationship to music is intimate and steeped in memory. I’m apparently incapable of talking about one without the other.


Music Made Me - Part 12

Little Wing - Stevie Ray Vaughn

In my last two years of high school I added on part time community college classes via the “Running Start” program. Between the two it was a lot of school. It was kind of ridiculous. For some reason I didn’t really question the sanity of it.


Music Made Me - Part 11

I Could Be Wrong - Seven Mary Three

There is a drum kit in my basement. There isn’t normally, but today there is. That’s because there’s music brewing in the basement. Me and a collection of friends are recreating “I Could Be Wrong” to the best of our ability. Including drums. Including horns. This shit is happening.


Music Made Me - Part 10

Under the Bridge - The Red Hot Chili Peppers

I put this song far later into the timeline than when I first experienced it (which would have been 1991-1992). That’s because to me it goes with a very specific memory, one which eclipsed whatever previous attachment I had for the song.


Music Made Me - Part 9

Billy Breathes - Phish

Throughout all my musical explorations over these years Phish was part of my vocabulary the whole time. It’s not something that really any one else I knew was listening to, and it’s not like Phish got much play on the radio, but I kept on listening.


Music Made Me - Part 8

When the Music’s Over - The Doors

If I hadn’t done my research I would have placed this much earlier in the timeline. But thankfully my sketchbooks are littered with timestamps. They’ve been invaluable at times for ironing out these fine ordering details. I don’t think anyone else cares if this is strictly autobiographical order, but it is important to me. Anyway, the point is that the music I listened to had a tendency to creep into the art I was making. I found some pretty random sketches related to The Doors, and specifically “When the Music’s Over”.


Music Made Me - Part 7

I have plenty of musical memories from 8th grade, and I have another significant spike of influence in 10th grade that continues onward. But my Freshman year is a bit of a musical mystery. I’ve been digging and there just hasn’t been that much that I’ve found. I guess in response to the extreme social changes of high school I didn’t explore any new music. I mostly stuck with what I was already listening to and held on to that as a comforting constant in a sea of new experiences.

What we have here are mostly 8th grade experiences that just bled on through, because I basically have no memory of what was going on in late 1995.


Music Made Me - An Interlude


In this musical timeline we have now arrived at the end of middle school and are about to embark on the journey that is high school. This seems like a good time to stop for a moment and take stock of where we are.


Music Made Me - Part 6

Roundabout - Yes

In middle school I took a music appreciation class. It was actually pretty fun and covered an extremely diverse set of music. I was at just the right stage in developing my own musical tastes to really be open to all of it. Traditional symphonic, avant-garde, musicals, it was all over the place and all very interesting.


Music Made Me - Part 5

Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World - U2

I keep thinking the first U2 album I experienced was Rattle and Hum. For some reason I forget all about Achtung Baby. I forget it until I put it on and roll into the B-sides, and then it all comes back. This album became part of my nightly cool-down repertoire. I would put on some music, read, and make the transition towards sleep. There’s just this relaxed wall of sound going on here that really works for me.



Played on Xbox360

I feel compelled to write about Bastion. I mean, I could just say “it’s good, you should play it”, which is totally accurate, or “it’s so good I played it twice”, which is also definitely true, but I think the game deserves more than that. It deserves some gushing.


Music Made Me - Part 4

Sweating Bullets - Megadeth

We just went through a rather cohesive set of grunge influences, where’s this Megadeth thing coming from? It’s certainly true that I never ended up a metal-head, but it’s not as if I wasn’t exposed to these things. We’re entering a period here where there’s a lot of divergent influences coming in from my brother and my brother’s friends. I remember this song specifically. Something about the hardcore music combined with the funny voice just stuck with me. That and “Symphony of Destruction”.


Music Made Me - Part 3

I’m a child of the Seattle area, so even though I was too young and thoroughly uncool I was exposed to grunge music in real time. Of course at this age all music was essentially new to me so it’s not as if I was aware that this particular sub-genre was of the local variety. But this next block of influential songs should show some not-so-subtle commonality. Welcome to the 90’s.


Music Made Me - Part 2

Here we continue on my musical autobiography. At this point in the story I’ve now entered school and am starting to be exposed to movies and other pieces of pop culture that will influence my listening tastes. Which, let’s be clear, are still far from my own. Let’s continue…


Music Made Me – Part 1

A note about logistics: the only thing that has kept me from moving forward and posting this project is a complete inability to figure out how to best link the music for your consumption. There’s no one universal solution that’s going to work for everyone. I could go round up the links to iTunes, Amazon, Zune, Rhapsody, and whatever else, but that’s a lot of work for me and there’s still no guarantee it’d meet everyone’s needs. So instead I’m going to trust that if you care to listen along you’ll figure out how to get the music on your own (and if possible get more than a 30 second sample). I’ll be providing Zune links because that’s what I use, and if you’ve got the app and a Zune Pass this should be a smooth experience. If you do the leg work for another service and want to share in the comments, please feel free to.


Music Made Me

In the book High Fidelity (and the movie too, for that matter), the main character is obsessed with making “Top 5” lists and categorizing his music collection. There’s a moment where he decides to organize his records autobiographically - the order in which he experienced them. I’ve always been intrigued by that idea: trying to express one’s journey in life through the music that accompanied it. So I’m going to do just that, except instead of sorting stacks of records I’ll be producing a playlist.


The Guitar Story

There are many reasons that people who met me over a decade ago would see me differently than those who’ve met me recently, but there’s one reason in particular that secretly bothers me. Most people I know now would be surprised to hear that I used to play the guitar. A lot. The people I met before would be equally surprised to hear that I no longer do.


The Beatles: Rock Band

Played on Xbox360

My love affair with rhythm video games has cooled a bit. I don’t lust after the experience like I once did. I’ll never turn down an opportunity to play, but it’s not something I’m generally seeking out anymore.


Rock Band

Played on Xbox360

Back in December I was harsh to Guitar Hero III, but with good reason. By the time I was trying to write down my thoughts on Guitar Hero I had already started playing Rock Band. And Rock Band blows Guitar Hero out of the water.


Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Played on Xbox360

It’s hard to talk about Guitar Hero III without also blabbing about Rock Band, but I’ll do my best to fight the temptation. We’ll save that comparison for when I do a proper Rock Band review. But it’s totally fair to start talking about Guitar Hero III by looking back at what I had to say about /2007/05/16/guitar-hero-ii-xbox-360.html.



In general I make a point to not comment on my work. It gets enough of a percentage of my mindshare as is, and I have to try hard to force it to idle. But it’s also unfair to let key events go by unmentioned, especially when they directly contributed to the quiet months of the summertime and autumn for this blog.


Guitar Hero II

Played on Xbox360

It’s hard to really explain how much I love Guitar Hero II. But I don’t really have to, because everyone else seems to as well (reviews: GameSpot, GameSpy, GameRankings). It’s one of those games that anyone can play and have a blast. I played the first Guitar Hero for the PS2, which totally rocked, but the sequel’s arrival on the Xbox 360 is a distinct upgrade. The graphics are totally better, although that’s more a feature for the spectators, not the player. There’s a cooperative mode where one player can play lead and the other can play rhythm or bass. There are more songs. As a 360 title there are achievements, which are well balanced. There are also leaderboards where you can size yourself up against your friends or the whole world (I’m currently ranked around 13,000). The gameplay itself is more of the same, but no one’s complaining about that.


Bitter Sweet

This last Friday I caught Bitter Sweet at the Triple Door. I first heard the band up on Zune Arts, which if you haven’t seen yet you should totally check out - there are a lot of cool animations up there. Bitter Sweet’s debut album, The Mating Game, is really solid; varied, yet cohesive. I wasn’t surprised at all when I heard that one of the Bitter Sweet duo was also one of the founding members of Supreme Beings of Leisure. There’s a lot of similarities in the grand instrumentation and the quality of the vocals (although it’s a different singer).


All my love to G.Love

Last night I went down to the Showbox to see one of my favorite bands, G. Love & Special Sauce. It was my first time seeing them in person, and they didn’t disappoint. Yes, they’re a motley band of dorks, but that’s how I like my musicians. Few bands that I know of put out such irresistibly danceable stuff as G.Love. And I love how in their crazy blues/hip-hop genre (which I’m pretty sure there isn’t a lot of competition over) they manage to sing about stuff that matters. G.Love tells us about how he likes his beverages cold, sleeps in his jammies, knows the best way to get downtown… you know, earth-shattering important lyrics. Which I’m all about. I don’t need my music to be negative and angry. Unfortunately if you look at the music charts I seem to be the minority.
