Survive until arrival at the expolanet with as many crew left alive as possible (active or frozen).
At various points a crew members’ abilities will be tested to determine the outcome of a situation. This is called a skill test. Each skill test will have a set of 1 or more relevant skills.
Crisis | Crew |
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Form a dice pool to make the test. For each crew participating in the test:
Roll all the dice in the pool. Each 4, 5, or 6 rolled is a success. Count the total successes, and compare to test’s success table. Perform the actions described in the matching row.
Example |
Alice and Barry are dealing with a “Food Shortage” crisis. The crisis card lists Herbology and Medicine as the relevant skills. Alice has 2 boxes in Herbology and 1 in Medicine. Barry has neither of those skills. The players collectively roll 5 dice (4 for Alice, 1 for Barry). |
The results are 1, 1, 3, 4, 6. The 4 and 6 are successes, giving the crew 2 total successes. The “Food Shortage” crisis card indicates that the it should be removed with 2+ successes, so it is put in the crisis card discard pile. |
A green row outcome is a skill test success. A red row outcome is a skill test failure.
If it is a skill test failure all crew involved in the skill test gain 1 stress token and gain 1 rank in one of the skills involved in that test.
Example |
The results for the above skill test are 1, 2, 2, 3, 5. Only the 5 is a success, giving 1 total successes. The “Food Shortage” card indicates an outcome for 1 sucess. Alice and Barry each gain 1 stress token. Alice chooses to increase her Medicine to 2. Barry gains 1 Herbology. |
To gain a rank in a random skill roll a d6.
To gain a rank in a random trait roll a d6. Check the corresponding chart of traits.
Each crew member is represented by a crew sheet.
If a crew’s age increases to the point where they check the blue light bulb box, that crew either:
This happens regardless of how the age was checked (e.g. can happen during initial crew creation, normal aging, or as a result of a crisis).
Crew can accumulate stress tokens as a result of skill tests or crisis cards. These tokens when gained are placed on top of the crew sheet. Each stress token increases the chance that a crew will become sick and die. Stress is generally removed via the “Recreation” ship location.
Each crew has their own perceived single purpose in life. This is represented by a Life Goal card. These will all have some criteria for when they are revealed and when they are scored.
When scored check 1 box of Life Goals from the ship sheet.
When a crew gains the sickness (skull) skill:
Crew may die, either due to receiving too much sickness or being killed directly by a card effect. When that happens:
The ship board is divided into multiple locations that crew may spend time in. During the turn they will be able to take the action of the location unless it is blocked by a crisis.
Check off one box on the ship sheet. The number in the box that was just checked determines how many crisis cards to draw in the next step.
If there are no more boxes to check then the ship has arrived at its destination and the game is over. Proceed to End Game.
Draw a crisis card. If either of the 2 crisis locations do not have a crisis, assign the new one of them. Otherwise roll a d6, and assign to the corresponding ship location (blocking access to the normal options). If that location already has a crisis, discard it to make room for the new one.
Draw 2 waveform cards and place on top of the previous 2 waveform cards on the waveform slot on the ship board.
Each player that does not have a crew member completes the steps in Creating Crew.
Each crew member must be assigned to a location on the ship. Players discuss options and complete this step in whatever order they like.
Evaluate each ship location with at least 1 crew member or a crisis card, in numeric order.
For each crew, count the number of red sickness boxes that has been checked on each their sheet, and add the number of stress tokens on that crew. This total is the sickness target number. Roll a d6. If that number is less or equal to the sickness target number that crew gets sick.
Check off one age box on each crew sheet. If there are no more age boxes to check, nothing happens (crew die as a result of sickness, not of age). See Aging
Throughout the game there will be a transimition that the crew is trying to decode, called the signal. The crew will have to move the signal tokens up and down to match the signal target.
Various abilities on the ship allow the crew to manipulate those signal tokens. A signal token can never move below 0 or above 3; if an effect would move it below/above the minimum/maximum, simply leave it where it is.
One way to manipulate the signal is with a waveform.
To apply a waveform check each column of the signal and move its token according to the matching column on the waveform.
Example |
This waveform would move the second column up 1 and the fourth column down 1 |
When all tokens on all columns of the signal match their targets, the signal is decoded and the crew learn something about the exoplanet. Decoding these signals is essential to their survival.
When a signal has been decoded set aside the signal tokens, return the signal card to the game box, and reveal the planet crisis card underneath.
Planet crisis cards work like normal crisis cards, except that succeeding at them adds signal tokens to the crisis card. The goal is to have a certain number of signal tokens on the card by the time the game ends.
The game ends when a ship progress check box needs to be checked but all boxes are already checked.
Check the status of all planet crisis cards. They will generally have a threshold of markers that need to be on the card or something bad happens.
The players win if there are still any humans in the freezer after all planet crisis cards are evaluated.